Got to Swim, Birds Got to Fly” and writers Got to Write till the day that they
die. However, sometimes words are simply not enough as we writers know very
sadness and hurt surrounding the Charlottesville, Virginia, automobile murder
short days ago defies real definition, but most of us agree it was a true
outrage. And it is not enough to sit back and say “The Almighty will sort it all
out” which is also true. Americans, notoriously impatient and used to instant
fulfillment, want action in the here and now. How anyone in his/her right mind
can want to identify with Hitler and the Nazis is beyond me. But then again not
everyone has had the experience, directly or indirectly, of witnessing the
handiwork of those monsters.
to my friends who actually lost relatives to the madness of Hitler and his
henchmen, my own experience was weak tea. Yet it has stayed with me all these
long decades, as if it was only yesterday when a young Army officer serving in
the Occupation Forces in Germany walked all alone through the killing machine
called Dachau, the gas chamber where poor souls were to “shower”, the ovens
where their corpses would be burned to avoid the evidence. Absolutely, it was
the Devil's Work. How in God's name can
anyone want to identify with such madness and a so-called “master race”? Neo-Nazis seeking to emulate superiority over
(any) others are walking on Hell's highway in the steps of those now long gone
in any disguise is flat out wrong. You and I have to figure out our own
specific ways to make a difference. For here, once again, words are not enough.
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