Monday, November 14, 2016


“IT AIN'T OVER Until it's over” - an evergreen bit of advice from the late and baseball great Yogi Berra. The turmoil that marked the 2016 election isn't over by any means. 

Some people will disagree on anything, or everything. Still it's smart money to have a reality check on our emotions, particularly when the issues are big ones. The people have voted so we are in for a change. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus spoke the immortal line “the only thing that is constant is change” a long time ago, way before Yogi. Unlike Berra, he never played baseball but he too had this knack for delivering memorable quotes. Time for all hands to face reality. Donald Trump won the election.  In short time he will be in the Oval Office as our president. There is no wiggle room. He is my president and yours.

This brings to mind the story of when Bill Clinton moved into that Oval office in 1993. He found a handwritten note waiting for him from its prior occupant, George H. W. Bush. It was simple, and profound: “Dear Bill: You will be our president when you read this note.  I wish you well. I wish your family well.  Your success is our country's success. I am rooting for you.  /George.”

Those sentiments from one American to another American pretty well sum up my own position.

Your success is our country's success, Donald Trump.

Now, I too am rooting for you.                          

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