Civic-minded organizations often sponsor events for the general public. Pancake breakfasts immediately come to mind. In principle, they are win-wins for all involved. Money raised benefits the community or the cause, a piece of the action goes to the sponsoring organization and notably, the public gains (for sure in calorie counts) from such tasty treats. Happily too, they give many homemakers a chance to get out of the kitchen.
Pancake breakfasts are usually “hosted” by organizations like Rotary or Kiwanis, notable for their good works well beyond breakfasts. Rotarians, Kiwanians (or whatever), members of the Chamber of Commerce are generally good-natured guys with broad smiles and cheery dispositions. So too are the ladies in such groups. While we are used to women smiling and preparing meals, men doing the same, not so much.
Why, in the first place, are we having pancakes? Well, the meals themselves are relatively affordable and easy to prepare (imagine the challenge in preparing coq au vin for several hundred hungry folk!) There are many benefits in showing up for the pancakes. Meeting new people among them. At the last one I met men and women who live just a few blocks away, yet our paths had never crossed before. Nice people too.
Yes, there are commercial places that specialize in pancakes, the famed International House of Pancakes (IHOP) most prominent among them. But it ain't the same as having your neighbors flipping the meal. Plus, at community pancake breakfasts, you can avoid grappling with a “suggested gratuity” schedule.